Interview with Roza Kourouklidou, Client Success Manager at Superevent.
1. You’ve been the Client Success Manager at Superevent for 10 years now. What has kept you passionate about working with event organizers?
I’ve always beenpassionate about three things: helping people, technology, andevents. Working with event managers gives me the chance to supporttheir vision by introducing tech that not only addresses their dailychallenges, but also transforms how events are conducted today.That’s rewarding.
Besides that, eventmanagers are amazing professionals, and collaborating with them on adaily basis keeps me inspired. They’re also perfectionists, curiousand open to innovation. If events are like puzzles, then eventmanagers are the true masters of orchestrating chaos. They don’tjust create order; they build momentum and foster meaningful humanconnections. And they do all of this with professionalism and grace.
As we all witnessed afew years ago during the pandemic, they did something incredible byovercoming huge challenges to deliver successful events. I haveimmense respect for them.
2. How has the role of event-related technology, and especially event apps, evolved overthe past decade?
It has been a dramaticevolution. Ten years ago, event apps were seen as a luxury or anovelty. Fast-forward to four years ago and the event tech industrywas one of the most disruptive forces in the field. During thepandemic years, we were developing technology rapidly, racing todesign solutions based on newly conceived ideas that the eventindustry needed in order to survive. The urgency, the pace, thestruggle, the solidarity: they are all things that anyone who wasthere will never forget. Those turbulent years shaped the new eventera.
Additionally, attendees’needs are very different; people want to be in control of how theyengage with an event. It’s no longer the content or the ticketprice that drives their decision to attend; it’s about offeringthem the flexibility to participate in ways that respect their timeand align with their values. This is where technology becomesinvaluable, empowering organizers to meet these expectations.
3. What are the most common challenges event organizers face, and how does Superevent helpto overcome them?
Managing multipledigital platforms – like a registration platform, a virtual eventplatform, an event app, a platform to manage abstracts, a tool forQ&A or word clouds, and so on – can be a real headache. Oursolution is simple. First of all, Superevent is available as both anonline and a mobile app. So there’s no need to look for anotherplatform if your event is hybrid.
Secondly, we provide allthe necessary digital tools with built-in features, streamlining theentire event management process. Sometimes, however, clients preferto keep using the tools they’re familiar with. That’s perfectlyfine with Superevent; we build integrations with our client’sexisting systems.
Last but not least,incorporating external websites, online tools and meeting platformsinto Superevent is seamless and fantastically easy.
4. Can you share an example of how an event organizer successfully used Superevent tosignificantly improve their event?
We all have heroicstories of how we saved the day by developing a custom solution for aclient in 24 hours because, well, plans changed at the last minute.Or how we helped them hit their targets one by one, all documented bythe data we capture.
But let me share asimpler story: we recently introduced Superevent to a professionalcongress organizer (PCO) that had never used an app before. They werehesitant, but they gave it a shot with one event as an experiment.The first result was a significant reduction in their team’sworkload; information was shared instantly with 400 people, plusthere was an overall improvement in terms of coordinating peopleduring the event. Push notifications proved to be a game changer forcommunication and people management.
Although their programwas a true challenge it appeared structured, coherent and easy tonavigate in the Superevent app. The client of this PCO was incrediblysatisfied because the app enabled them to replace printed paper. Thisboosted their public image as an eco-conscious brand. Mostimportantly, the app adoption rate among the attendees hit 96%. Itwas obvious that the audience – scientific professionals in their50s/60s – embraced the app.
After the first event,our client started using the app as a community tool. This is thetrue story of a new client, but it’s also the most common story ofsuccess. And it’s our favorite, as it shows how event apps improvethe event experience just with simple solutions.
5. What advice wouldyou give to organizers who are hesitant about integrating eventtechnology into their planning process?
I’m going to behonest… based on how the world is evolving, it’s inevitable thatyou will need to incorporate an event app into your conference atsome point. In the era of AI, it’s no longer enough to share theprogram as a PDF.
Resistance to change ispart of human nature. But adaptability is what defines the winners!My advice would be to start step by step, with one event. Find an appthat meets your needs. You don’t need a whole orchestra to play asimple tune.
Most importantly, find acompany with a client-centric approach, someone who offers you theright support without charging you a fortune. Just try Superevent! Weoffer pilot events, meaning no strings attached and no investment oftime or money on your side. My team and I will be more than happy towelcome you.
6. As Client Success Manager, how do you ensure that clients not only understand the app,but also use it to its full potential?
Our approach is tailoredand personal, and that comes from loving what we do at Superevent.Every event is unique, and each event manager has different needs. Weknow how stressful the role of an event manager can be, and we valuethe trust they place in us.
Our first step is togain an in-depth understanding of their goals, and to provide astructured and detailed plan that aligns with their vision. Fromthere, we work closely with our clients, guiding them step by stepthroughout their event lifecycle. We remain flexible, creative andopen to new ideas and suggestions. We work as a team, and we believethat enjoying the process is just as important as achieving successon the day itself.

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