Hopin vs Hubilo vs Superevent – Which Platform is Better for Event Hosting?

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January 25, 2023

As virtual and hybrid events continue to dominate the new professional events landscape, organizers are demanding more from their video-hosting platforms.

From event backend management, branding, and marketing to responsive customer service teams, virtual conferencing platforms like Hopin, Hubilo, and Superevent are leading the market. However, since August 2023 Hopin has been taken over by RingCentral through a not-so-successful acquisition. As this article was written before the acquisition, it remains unsure which former Hopin features described will remain.

So, which platform is perfect for your needs?  

To help you understand the market leaders and their features, we’ve put together a direct comparison of these platforms. Learn how each platform performs under different circumstances, which will allow you to make an informed on your next event hosting platform. So let’s get into it.  

Hopin vs. Hubilo vs Superevent: Key Differences

Ideal Customers 

Hopin (now RingCentral)

Designed to handle a wide range of virtual events, Hopin has the hosting capability to handle anywhere from 2 - to 100,000 users. Due to the recent takeover, it is unsure if this remains.

The platform is predominantly suitable for:

  • Webinars
  • Networking events
  • Virtual conferences
  • Virtual trade shows
  • Internal virtual events like training workshops


Built for mid-large scale corporations, associations, and institutions, Hubilo has the hosting capability to handle anywhere from 50-1000+ users for virtual, hybrid, and in-person events. 

The platform is predominantly suitable for:

  • Marketing events
  • Product launches
  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Brand events 


Superevent has built its product to serve two main customer groups:

  1. Event organizers and managers 
  2. Professional conference organizers 

With a hosting capability of anywhere from 2-10.000+ users, this platform supports virtual, hybrid and in-person events. With world-class event support, Supervent prides itself on powering every event type, from conferences to international summits. 

Ease of Use

Hopin (now RingCentral)

This platform used to have a wide variety of event products that allowed organizers to include event features like:

  • Live streams
  • Webinars
  • Virtual expo booths
  • Break out meeting rooms

This variety provided a good, customizable user experience. However, to fully take advantage of these features, users needed higher-level technical skills, due to the platform’s “self-set-up” model.


Boasting event features that cover everything from custom event branding through to personal client experience teams, Hubilo supports organizers through every event detail.

Overall, Hubilo scores higher on factors such as event creation, ease of use and ease of setup compared to Hopin.


With a highly responsive concierge service, Superevent takes out a lot of the administrative and technical hassle for event organizers. Couple this with a highly intuitive user interface for your attendees, Superevent provides an easy user experience for all parties.   

The platform is almost completely customizable and allows modifications across all its features. Event organizers can also rename entire features and manipulate access to different individuals and groups, giving them more control over their overall app experience.  

Pricing Offer

Hopin (now RingCentral)

Hopin offered a Free Plan that included:

  • 1 admin seat
  • Unlimited events capped at 100 registrations p/event
  • 2-hour time restrictions per event
  • Email and chat support

This option was great for smaller events that were just getting started.

An Advanced plan with Hopin was customizable to your business needs and varied in price depending on which features you chose to include in your package.  Again, due to the recent developments involving the RingCentral takeover, it is unsure if this offer remains.


Hubilo has 3 subscription tiers starting from an Advanced profile that costs $650 per month (billed annually). This subscription type is suitable for smaller-scale events with limited attendees.

For deeply branded and larger events, Hubilo recommends their Pro profile which costs $1300 per month (billed annually).

For highly customizable large-scale virtual and hybrid events, Hubilo also offers Enterprise plans that can be discussed further with their team. 


Rather than work from a subscription model, Supervent places all organizers on a Free Plan. From here, organizers can scale up and pay by the number of attendees and event ‘add-ons’. 

Any events under 50 attendees are free and will include access to all of Supervent’s features. Event add-ons include:

  • Branded mobile apps
  • Live streaming
  • Group video rooms
  • Data-entry services

What is Hopin?

Since Hopin was acquired by RingCentral in August 2023, it is uncertain whether the information in the next section is still valid.

Hopin is an online conference and event hosting platform that allows event organizers to create, host, and manage large-scale virtual and hybrid events.

Hopin’s mission is to grow and engage businesses by cultivating community experiences. With a focus on interactive online events, Hopin supports organizers by helping them build an “online venue” that aims to mimic in-person experiences.  

Hopin does this through their network of platforms that offer live-streaming, video engagement tools, event management, and video hosting.

Key Features

Feature 1: Virtual Venue

Hopin allows event organizers to build their virtual venue - a network of interacting live sessions that attendees can explore like they’re at an in-person event. 

Within this virtual venue, organizers can customize a reception page to welcome attendees and help them navigate what’s on offer. They can also build one-on-one and group networking sessions to encourage attendees to interact fully with the event’s contents.  

Feature 2: Studio

Incorporate high-quality, live, or pre-recorded videos into your event through Hopin’s StreamYard Studio. You can also customize the visuals of these videos by adding logos, banners, overlays, and lower thirds. 

With this feature, your event speakers will access the “backstage” through one simple link and can join a live chat with up to 9 other participants.

Feature 3: Event Marketing

Drive registrations or ticket sales by building effective landing pages with the Hopin Events Canvas tool. 

This platform is a multi-feature registration suite that includes registration flow and attendee management, embeddable widgets, and a customizable form builder. 

Hopin Pros and Cons


  • Can build virtual venues to mimic in-person events
  • Provides breakout videos for one-to-one and small-group networking opportunities
  • Creates ‘Magic Links’ for attendees that allow people access to the events without the need to register for a separate Hopin account


  • New features are added frequently and may overwhelm some users
  • Requires strong technical skills to take full advantage of their features
  • Reviewers have commented that their Salesforce integration is difficult to use

What is Hubilo?

Hubilo is a virtual and hybrid event-hosting platform that focuses on helping event organizers drive engagement and maximize revenue. A key way Hubilo achieves this is through its suite of features that allow organizers to create deeply branded and interactive event interfaces.

On top of these features, the platform also boasts a highly engaged customer service team. This team supports event organizers throughout the whole event hosting process, from ticketing and registration to sponsorship. 

Key Features

Feature 1:


With a focus on increasing attendee participation, Hubilo’s tools help organizers build easily and highly engageable events. Within Hubilo, organizers can embed features like:

  • Interactive chats
  • Reactions
  • Polls and surveys
  • Social media integrations
  • Games and interactive activities 

Feature 2:


By supporting app integrations, Hubilo helps organizers enrich their event content, boost event engagement rates, and streamline revenue opportunities. Some popular integrations organizers take advantage of within Hubilo include:

  • Mailchimp
  • Kahoot!
  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot

Feature 3:

Event Analytics

To make the most of your events, your team needs to draw insights from collected event data. Within Hubilo, organizers can plan, measure, and extract relevant insights to help inform future strategies for events.

Hubilo Pros and Cons


  • Effective branding features and customization
  • Easy navigation and use
  • Helps organizers draw in event sponsors 


  • Ticket refunds or compensations can not be self-managed 
  • Sometimes there are issues with the recording function which may pose problems during live events
  • Engagement features like polls and surveys can be ignored by attendees

Hopin and Hubilo Alternative: Superevent

With a focus on professional events, Superevent is an intuitive tool built to let event organizers design a customized application for their event without the need for a developer. Available on both mobile and desktop, Supervent allows organizers to build events from the ground up with various unique and highly controllable features. 

Designed to support all professional virtual, hybrid, and in-person events, Superevent is:

  • User-friendly with an intuitive content management system
  • Highly customizable
  • Provides support from start to finish 

Key Features

Feature 1: Interactive features:

Like Hopin and Hubilo, Superevent has identified the importance of attendee participation for events. 

One notable way Superevent does this, is through the ‘Social Wall’ feature. Much like Facebook’s news feed, the Social Wall allows you to share statuses and instantly engage with your attendees throughout the event. 

Supervent also incorporates engagement features like:

  • Instant 1-on-1 messaging
  • Breakout video rooms
  • Embedded Q&A’s, surveys and voting 

Feature 2: Informative features:

The platform breaks down key event information in a streamlined display so you can easily navigate to the information you need, such as:

  • Documentation lists
  • Personalized schedules
  • Floor plans for events
  • Information pages 

Superevent also enables notifications to remind attendees of upcoming events, talks, and live streams.

Feature 3: Branded web and native mobile app:

Superevent has been optimized for both web and mobile, including both iOS and Android operating systems. 

Organizers can take this a step further and upgrade from Supervent’s generic container app to a personalized branded mobile event app. This app can be uploaded into stores for both iOS and Android with fully customized icons and splash screens. 

Feature 4: Easy and intuitive content management system

No coding is necessary to build a highly customizable event app within Superevent. Organizers can use the content management dashboard to easily drop and drag features into their “App” and immediately start editing their features. 


Keep your event lively by including speakers who can directly engage with your attendees through live stream sessions.

Data-entry service

Supervent’s concierge service provides highly personalized assistance with your event’s entire management process. This allows you to focus solely on creating an inspiring event  and giving your attendees a great experience. 

Pros and Cons


  • Extremely user-friendly for both organizers and attendees 
  • Customized concierge services to streamline and troubleshoot on your behalf
  • Features are extremely customizable


  • Branded apps can take longer to create because of Apple and Google review time

Hopin vs. Hubilo vs Superevent: Feature Comparison

Hopin, Hubilo, and Supervent are all great virtual event-hosting tools. However, they all have their shortcomings in certain areas that may make them a less suitable choice under specific circumstances. 

Hopin and Hubilo are great tools for organizers looking to host mid to large virtual or hybrid events. Both platforms provide great engagement features and aim to translate the experience of an in-person event to the virtual world. However, Hopin requires more advanced technical skills to properly take advantage of its capabilities; while Hubilo reportedly has some operational shortcomings that may cause hiccups during an event. 

The leading platform, Superevent, however, takes a different approach to this space. Boasting a highly intuitive interface and completely controllable features, Supervent provides event organizers with the unique ability to build their own, highly customized event app without needing a developer. 

Streamlining the event’s progression and providing organizers with highly personalized support, there’s no question that Superevent is the appropriate choice for most professional events. Whether you’re hosting a virtual event, in-person, or a hybrid of the two. 

Give Superevent a try for yourself by taking advantage of its free profile business model, and watch your virtual events flourish with your first 50 attendees! 

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